The Principle of the Cross—Ch. 14
Posted on Mar 30, 2014 in Economy of God | 0 commentsI. The new creation came into being by putting the old one to an end and starting something new.
II. Items of the Old Creation | Verses revealing their End
- The angelic life—Col 1:20
- The human life—Gal 2:20
- Satan—Heb 2:14; John 12:31
- The kingdom of Satan—Col 2:15; John 12:31
- Sin—2 Cor5:21; Rom 8:3
- Sins—1 Pet.2:24; Isa 53:6
- The world—Gal 6:14; John 12:31
- Death—Heb.2:14
- Flesh—Gal 5:24
- The old man—Rom.6:6
- Self—Gal 2:20
- All things, or creation—Col 1:20; Rom.8:19
III. Fallen Man became the Center of the Old Creation
IV. The church is only the new creation, composed of the old things become new through death and resurrection.
Spoken March 30, 2014