Discerning the Spirit from the Soul—Ch.11

Hebrews 4:12— …the dividing of soul and spirit…

I. Reviewing God’s Economy

A.   God’s economy is to dispense Himself into us.

B.   The way God dispenses Himself into us is by the Father being embodied in the Son, and Son being realized in the Spirit.

C.  This all-inclusive Spirit is now in our human spirit.

2 Tim. 4:22a  The Lord be with your spirit.

D. If we desire to enjoy Christ fully, we must know how to discern our spirit from our soul—Heb. 4:12.

II.   Denying the soul

A.   Although the Lord is in our spirit, our spirit is very much stuck to our soul.

B.   Our soul is simply the self and the self must be crossed out.

Matt. 16:24b  If anyone wants to come after Me, let Him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.

C.  The soul must be denied because it covers up the spirit; to deny the soul means to turn from ourselves to the spirit.

D.  Then in the spirit we will meet Christ.

III.  Abiding in the spirit

A.   Just remember you are a branch in Christ.

John 15:4a  Abide in Me and I in you….

B.  We can abide in Christ only by abiding in the spirit; to do this we must discern our spirit.

C. To apply this word, learn to pray, especially in the morning:

 Lord, I praise You…Your Spirit is in my spirit! Lord, I look at You, I behold You, I worship You! I only  know You, the glorious all inclusive Christ!   

D.  Learn to aim at the goal of God’s economy; keep to this mark to fellowship with Him, look to Him…day by day by denying the soul and exercising the spirit.

Spoken February 16, 2014



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