Ways to Cooperate With the Lord While Housebound

Principle: redeem our time

  1. Spend personal, intimate, private time with the Lord—Matt 6:6 ; S.S. 3:4
  2. Pray, personally and with others—Daniel 6:10; Matt 18:19
  3. Use the burdens from http://unceasinginglypray.org
  4. Hear the words of the ministry—http://www.lsmwebcast.com, http://lsmradio.com
  5. Sing to the Lord —hymnal.net
  6. Write to others words that convey Christ.
  7. Preach the gospel— Acts 5:42. Use materials at BFA.org
  8. Read the Word
  9. Shepherd others

Spoken April 5, 2020

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