Twelve Ways to Get Into the Life Study messages

This is an expansion from some of the sharing from last week.

  1. Exercise your spirit by pray-reading key verses.
  2. Read the Life Study books: hardbound or softbound. Order softbound books from
  3. Read the electronic version on your PC/handheld:, iSilo, ePub: Kindle, Kobo, iBook, Nook, Google Play
  4. Read online by schedule: Login and enter your plan, and click Submit. Now you can login and immediately see the next section to read, plus you can use the checklist schedule online or in print.
  5. Subscribe and Listen to the LSMRadio podcasts:
  6. Purchase and listen to the original training messages on, $1 each.
  7. Study the message by responding to the weekly questions, which the church will forward by email, Google+, and text(GroupMe).
  8. Study the message by making an outline
  9. Memorize key points from the outline, or key verses.
  10. Share your enjoyment online: GroupMe, Google+, Twitter, Facebook. Tag with #LifeStudy and/or #Philippians
  11. Share your enjoyment with your companions: Fri night, over phone, at lunch, over coffee
  12. Share with the church: we will have a time for short overflow after the table meeting; brothers may start the time by an assigned message.
 Spoken on January 11, 2015

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